
BTC’s Advice For First-Generation Students

First-generation students are classified as students who are the first in their immediate families to attend college or education past high school. According to a Forbes study, 39% of Ohioans are first-generation students.

Advice for first-generation students (4)

First-generation students face unique challenges while furthering their education, including balancing family, job, and education requirements, financing their education, and getting emotional and mental support, among other obstacles. Boardman Training Center (BTC) understands these struggles and is here to help students be successful.

In this blog, you’ll learn BTC’s top ten pieces of advice to help first-generation students navigate their educational journey. Keep reading to learn helpful tips, resources, and strategies to help you along the way toward your dream career. 

1. Do Your Research Before Starting School

Our initial advice for first-generation students is to conduct thorough research before choosing a school, program, and career path. By doing so beforehand, you can eliminate spending unnecessary time in school trying to figure out the career you want to have. An online career aptitude test can narrow your options and suggest career paths that align with your interests and skills. 

2. Figure Out Funding 

Paying for education is a significant stressor for many students, and it is vital to determine how you plan to fund your education before starting school. Boardman Training Center’s programs allow students to complete their education without needing daunting student loans. BTC’s team helps every student navigate the financial planning process to set up a plan that works for their situation. 

3. Develop Strong Time Management Skills

Many of our students have other responsibilities outside of school, including jobs and families, and must find a balance between school and their personal lives. Effective time management is essential when pursuing an education. Developing strong time management skills prior to attending higher education can help first-generation students better handle the added responsibilities of school. 

4. Find Your Study Technique

Every individual has an optimal learning style that helps them retain information best. There are three primary learning styles: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners. If you are unsure of your learning style, an online assessment can help you determine your preferred style and give you strategies to maximize your educational experience. 

5. Build Your Support Network

It is important to remember that school can be challenging at times, and it is essential to need additional support. Having a strong support system can make a significant impact on overall educational success. An individual’s support network can include friends, family, coworkers, instructors, or anyone who provides encouragement and motivation. At BTC, our staff and faculty are in your corner from day one to support you when needed. Online platforms such as I’m First are an excellent resource for first-generation students, where you can share stories and connect with others in the same situation. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.

6. Go Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

Change begins at the end of your comfort zone. This popular saying resonates particularly in higher education, specifically for first-generation students. We understand that leaving familiar boundaries behind can be intimidating, but this step is essential to reach the overall goal of a new healthcare career. 

7. Commit To Your Education

Deciding to attend a healthcare training program is an important choice that requires careful consideration. When you enroll at Boardman Training Center, it is crucial to commit to your education. Each program at BTC is accelerated and can be completed within weeks, making them academically challenging yet rewarding. If you are committed to your education, motivated, and passionate about healthcare, you will be successful at BTC. 

8. Ask For Help When You Need It

BTC strives to provide additional support to students needing further assistance by offering one-on-one instruction and tutoring. Recognizing when you need extra help and feeling comfortable asking for it is essential. The student’s success is our success, so our team is here to help every student in any way we can. 

9. Take Advantage of Campus Resources

As a first-generation student, you may be unaware of the resources to guide you throughout your educational journey. Boardman Training Center offers institutional resources like career planning, job placement, tutoring, and personal advising. These offerings, alongside our dedicated instructors and staff, are part of BTC’s hands-on approach to education. 

10. Remember Your Reason

As you progress through your training program, it is essential to remember what motivated you to pursue education initially. Each student’s “why” is different, whether to create a better future for their families or achieve their dream career. Remembering this reason when education gets challenging will help you maintain focus and get to the finish line to start your career. 

Boardman Training Center Is The Place For You!

Do you dream of being the first in your family to attend a career-focused training program? If so, Boardman Training Center is here to help you achieve your goals! With accelerated training in medical assisting, phlebotomy, EKG, and medical billing and coding, you could be working in your desired healthcare field in only weeks.

BTC is here to provide you with the training, support, and resources you need to succeed in healthcare. Request information today to get started on the path to your dream career.