

BTC’s Advice For First-Generation Students

First-generation students are classified as students who are the first in their immediate families to attend college or education past high school. According to a Forbes study, 39% of Ohioans are first-generation students. First-generation students face unique challenges while furthering their education, including balancing family, job, and education requirements, financing their education, and getting emotional … Read more

How To Create A Budget For The New Year

The beginning of a new year represents opportunities and the chance to improve aspects of your life. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions involves finances, whether budgeting, saving money, or making a large purchase. If sticking to a budget is one of your goals for the coming year, and you are searching for … Read more

Alyssa Hunter – Student Highlight

Introducing BTC’s Featured Student of the Month, Alyssa Hunter! Boardman Training Center (BTC) is thrilled to introduce Alyssa Hunter, our featured student for the month of December. Alyssa is completing the Medical Assisting Specialist program at BTC, where she is learning the essential skills for her future healthcare career. As a medical assisting student, Alyssa … Read more